Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I decided to get my poems in a more orderly fashion. I have found them everywhere, some printed, some still hand written in notebooks, some on discs.Since last week I have located nearly a thousand,I have them in alphabetical order, and am going to get them all titled and put in order according to subject.(If I live long enough.) After a dry spell I have written about 10 in the last few weeks. As of now I have 2 of the 3 inch 3 ring binders full. I also have several smaller ones with such subjects as family, friends, and school. that are of a more personal nature.I also intend to get them onto a c.d.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Another poem: this one is about me,

Spring Chicken
I am a spring chicken
Without a spring
Lately I can't seem to do anything
Like rollerbladng or skiing on the snow
Not that I ever could you know
My head says"you surely can do that
My body responds( to what ever it is)
Why on earth did you do that.

The latest to my collection is about kindness

There is no act of kindness, whether small or great
That is ever wasted, so please don't hesitate
Do unto others, God's Word says to me
Works of kindness are the best, don't you see
If it is kindness that you sow
It will come back, you must know
Just remember God's kindess to us
In the life and death of His Son, Jesus.

Hope you don't mind the poetry, but it a part of me too.

My friend Carole gave me this harness awhile ago, and I had never used it to take Baby for a car ride. However, Monday I decided to do just that. She loved it. When I got back I stopped at Sue's and Rebekah said" Look Mom, Baby is riding shotgun,"
She did very well so I took her out again in the afternoon so that I could get these pictures.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

There will be no pictures with this post, however I wanted to share some new poems with you. I recently took my self off some of the medications that I have been on for the past 2 plus years.( With the doctor's ok) Since then I seem more able to put together poems, and I see no bad effects of being off the meds.

These are with Easter in mind.

by Nancy Brutout

The event called Easter is about the death of God's only Son
For with His death and resurrection our salvation was won
He suffered greatly here on this earth
To make of us some thing of worth
His righteousness became our own
For he came our sins to atone
The reason that He came to die
Was for sinners such as I.

by Nancy Brutout

There has never been a time when He was not
There never was a place where He could not be sought
Omnipotent and Omnipresent is He
The better to care for you and me
He loved us so much He came to die
For our salvation, that is why.

The Crucifixion
by Nancy Brutout
Were you there on that terrible day
When God's own Son for our sins did pay
On a wicked wooden cross He was nailed
After false accusations and beatings prevailed
A crown of thorns they pushed on His head
They pierced Him with a sword to see if He was dead
In a borrowed tomb He did lay
But alas He was not there to stay
Very early on that third moen the women came
And for ever after they were never the same
He was gone, they knew not where
He is Risen the angels did share
They ran to tell all their friends
For on His death and resurrection our salvation depends
You must believe that He is God
Before you leave this earthly sod.

I hope that you enjoy them and have a very Blessed and Happy Easter.