Thursday, March 12, 2009

This is Thursday March 12 although you would have thought yesterday was Friday the 13th.First of all it was cold and rainy, not a day that I wanted to move out of the house, however I had an appointment at the Chiropractors at 11:00. Everyone was concerned for me driving. Little did we know what would happen. It wasn't me that had an accident! Ben and his friend decided to go to the corner store for some gator aid. They were just on Harrison Road when a car slowed to turn in front of them. She was about 50 feet in front of them, they had slowed to allow her time to turn, when a woman in a small truck probably going 55 mph rear ended them pushing them into the car ahead of them. Both boys hit their heads on the back window breaking it out. She was taken to the emergency room via ambulance and the boys came home. When I returned I insisted they go to the ER and be checked out. Nothing was broken, but both were visibly shaken and today are very stiff and hurting. God is so good. Had they been in Ben's car they most likely would have been badly injured or killed.And now today I had an appointment with my orthopedic doc for a one year checkup and had my shoulder injected as I have been having some difficulty with it. So goes life here at the Brutout household.Never a dull moment with the 3 pets, and 3 guys living here( Levi, Ben and their friend Levi. Confusing with 2 Levi's in the house,) No funny looking pictures with this addition.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't even thought about what would have happened if they'd been in Ben's car! The big truck is so folded up, Ben's car would have been crushed! Yep, God is good!
